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Sunday, 22 January 2023

বাংলা চটি গল্প সমাহার Archives-Bangla choti golpo||Indian Bangla Choti

সবচেয়ে মজাদার রোমান্টিক চটি গল্পের ভান্ডার "কলকাতার বাংলা চটি গল্প" নিয়ে বানানো রোমান্টিক ভিডিও নিয়ে আমাদের এই বাংলা চটি গল্প সমাহার পেজটি আপনার xxx video দেখার মজা এনে দেবে। xbd50  bdxxx bangla xxx যারা খুজে বেড়ান তারা এখন থেকে Jhuma Boudi ও Gopon Diary  YouTube channel এর ভিডিও গুলো দেখতে পারেন

সেই সাথে Bangla Story Jhuma Boudi, Gopon Diary Facebook page এর ভিডিও গুলো দেখে আপনার নির্ঘুম রাতের, অলস বিকেলের ক্লান্ত দুপুরের নিঃসংগ সময় গুলো কাটাতে পারেন

যদি ভিডিও গুলো ভাল লাগে তাহলে লাইক দিয়ে ফলো বা সাবস্ক্রাইব করে পাশে থাকবেন। আর কমেন্ট বক্সে আপনার মতামত দিবেন সেই সাথে শেয়ার করে কাছের মানুষ দের শেয়ার করে দিবেন। 

তো চলুন দেখতে থাকি গরম করে দেওয়া ভিডিও গুলো -

সরাসরি গোপন ডায়েরি  GOPON DIARY চ্যানেলের সকল ভিডিও দেখতে এখানে ক্লিক 

সরাসরি ঝুমা বউদি JHUMA BOUDI চ্যানেলের সকল ভিডিও দেখতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

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Saturday, 21 January 2023

Healthy Eating for Kids||Nutritious Food for Children's||Importance of healthy food habit for children's


Importance of Nutrition for Kids, Nutrients Foods for Children

Why should children have a healthy diet?

What is a healthy diet for a child?

Why is it important to have a healthy diet?

What are  reasons why we should be eating healthy?

Dietary habits are very important for children -

It is very important to ensure that children have nutritious meals at school or at home so that they can grow up in good health.

Only parents of children know how difficult it is to inculcate healthy eating habits in children. Especially school going children are easily attracted to unhealthy junk food instead of nutritious food

Let's discuss 4 important food categories for children that will help them develop healthy eating habits

Fruits and vegetables

Vitamins, antioxidants, fibrous vegetables, water, fruits and vegetables are a great source of nutrients. They help prevent diseases in children later in life. Generally, most of the children do not like food that is cooked with fruits and vegetables. But they must be encouraged to eat fruits and vegetables of different colors and flavors.

Many conscious parents regularly give their children peanuts and cashews in addition to fruits like apples, bananas, oranges and grapes. Kids love fruit salad. It is nutritious.'


Children need energy to grow, develop and learn. It is essential to give them grainy or grainy food like pasta, rice, oats, barley to develop properly. The best part about any grain food is that it keeps the baby full for a long time. These foods have a low glycemic index which keeps the baby active and energetic.

Dairy products/food

A great source of protein and calcium are dairy foods like milk, cheese, yogurt etc. These are ideal healthy foods for babies. Children should be encouraged to eat milk products regularly. This can include liquid milk, a few slices of cheese or a bowl of yogurt.

Protein rich food

Protein foods are very important for muscle growth and development in children. In addition to protein, foods like lean meat, fish, chicken, beans, eggs, and lentils contain various vitamins and minerals like iron, zinc, and vitamin B-12. Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil and lean red meat are especially important for children's learning and brain development.

Protein rich foods are especially important for children's tiffin. Because they have to spend a long time in school Healthy protein-rich foods keep them energized and provide them with the nutrients they need outside the home.

What would be his ideal tiffin for your son? Apart from fruit salad and vegetables, the boy can prefer prepared food like burgers for his tiffin. Chicken breast pieces fried with some salt and pepper are a great choice for kids.

Essential drinks and foods should be consumed sparingly

When it comes to healthy drinks, just drinking water with the essential nutrients and fluoride helps build strong teeth. Also, low sugar homemade fruit juice is great for babies.

Eating foods high in salt and sugar puts children at risk of obesity and type-2 diabetes. Also, eating too much of these foods can lead to unhealthy weight gain.

Of course, it is almost impossible to stop young children from eating junk food. So instead of banning these foods completely, we need to ensure that children eat them only occasionally, in the presence of parents. And if they sometimes make these delicious foods at home, you can get them back into the habit of eating outside.

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Google AdSense Optimization Tricks – How to Increase AdSense Earnings?

Strategies to Increase Earnings from Google AdSense

At present, more or less everyone is familiar with Google AdSense. Google AdSense is the most popular way to earn money online.

If AdSense rules and guidelines are followed properly, it is possible to easily get AdSense approved and earn money by displaying ads properly.

Many people are unable to increase their income even after long efforts to get Google AdSense approved. The main reason for not increasing Google AdSense income is not being able to use it properly.

What is Google AdSense in today's arrangement? How to increase income from Google AdSense.

Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a web application operated by Google. It is basically a profit-sharing scheme through which Google and its users can earn money by promoting advertisements on their websites.

A website or blog owner can earn money by displaying or placing Google scheduled ads on his site subject to certain conditions.

And Google AdSense is currently very effective and the world's largest online advertising network through which the world's biggest bloggers and web masters earn money by monetizing their blogs/websites. Google makes a large part of their annual revenue from Google AdSense.

How Google AdSense works

First you need to become a Google AdSense publisher and publish AdSense ads on your blog/website or YouTube channel.

If someone sees that ad and clicks, you will get a certain amount of money for each click. Also you will get small amount of money just for showing your blog/site advertisement.

And these ads are collected by Google from advertisers through their another program Google AdWords.

Strategies to increase income from Google AdSense

Adequately following Google AdSense policies

Many do not think much about this matter. You might think it won't have much of an impact on the blog. Doing anything not following the Google AdSense guidelines can get your Google AdSense account banned at any time instead of increasing your income. I highlighted some of the main exclusions of Google AdSense.

* Not clicking ads on your blog. * Not using Paid Traffic or Clicking. * Not clicking ads by changing or hiding IP Address. * Not encouraging others to click on advertisements.

Place the ad code in the right place

Google AdSense ad codes should be placed in such a place that visitors can easily see the ad. And this method will make blog ads more likely to be clicked. Google AdSense always displays content related ads, so when the reader can easily see the ad, that thing can be read by him/her. In this case he will definitely click on the ad for his needs. However, refrain from placing more advertisements inside the content area of the blog.

Increase loading speed of blog

A faster blog will be able to increase both visitors and ad clicks. If the blog is very slow then there is no way to get visitors and page views. Because if the blog takes too long to load then the visitors will feel bored and leave your blog.

Exclude other ads

If you want to increase your income from Google AdSense ads, you must avoid ads that are less important than AdSense. In this case, the load time of the blog will increase to a large extent.

Moreover, Google AdSense does not like to display other types of ads alongside their ads. Before applying for Google AdSense, if you are using any other form of advertising, you must disclaim it. Otherwise AdSense team will not approve your application somehow.

Writing original and quality content

The first condition to earn good income from AdSense is to regularly publish original and quality content on the website according to the needs of the visitors.

For that, it must be kept in mind that no copy-paste content is given on the site. Ads come from advertisers hyping quality content, who are willing to pay a good CPC per click. You understand the importance of writing original and quality posts.

So to increase AdSense revenue one should post quality content without copy-paste on demand.

Publish content regularly

To get lots of new unique visitors to the blog, you must post new articles regularly. By following SEO and sharing quality content on the blog, both visitors and revenue will increase.

However, it should be remembered that while sharing more content, copy content is not shared. This can lead to loss of AdSense account instead of increasing income.

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Saturday, 7 January 2023

Best Electric Room Heaters at Lowest Price In Bangladesh


Buy Lowest price energy saving Room Heaters in Bangladesh.

#রুমহিটার #roomheater #ElectricRoomHeater 

Electric Handy Room Heater

আর নয় কনকনে শীতের ভয়!! আপনার রুম কে রাখুন গরম, শরীর কে রাখুন প্রাণবন্ত!!! 

১। এটি তীব্র শীতে আপনার ঘরকে রাখবে উষ্ণ।

২। এটি খুবই ছোট এবং বিদ্যুৎ চালিত।

৩। এটি নির্ধারিত তাপমাত্রায় পৌঁছানোর পর অটোমেটিক বন্ধ হয়ে যায়

৪। এটি খুব দ্রুত ঘরের তাপমাত্রা গরম করে।

৫। এটি বড় রুম হিটারের তুলনায় অনেক বিদ্যুৎ সাশ্রয়ী।

৬। সরাসরি বিদ্যুৎ চালিত , 220V/400W.

মূল্যঃ ১২৫০/- (ডিস্কাউন্ট এর পর)

সাথে ডেলিভারি ফি যুক্ত হবে

 Order করতে ভিজিট করুন

Auto Room Heater

Room Heater BD price

Digital Room Heater

Room Heater price in Bangladesh

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ইউটিউবারদের জন্য কন্টেন্ট স্ক্রিপ্ট রাইটিং সার্ভিস – স্বল্প মূল্যে আপনার চ্যানেলের জন্য দুর্দান্ত স্ক্রিপ্ট!

  ইউটিউবারদের জন্য কন্টেন্ট স্ক্রিপ্ট রাইটিং সার্ভিস – স্বল্প মূল্যে আপনার চ্যানেলের জন্য দুর্দান্ত স্ক্রিপ্ট! আপনার ইউটিউব চ্যানেল কি আরও ...

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