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Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Before buying a hosting service, know some important things!

Before discussing the selection of a good quality web site hosting service provider I briefly discuss what a website is and what it requires.

What is a website?
Generally, a website refers to the collection of digital information stored on a specific web server, such as web pages, uploaded images, audio, video and other things such as infographic, GIP, animation, etc., which we use on the Internet through computers, smartphones or other smart devices. Can access

And to access a website on the Internet you have to go through the following 5 tasks:

First, you must register a domain name.
According to the preferred plans and packages, good quality web hosting should be purchased.

And after all, the website has to be designed.

Important Benefits of Having a Website:

  •  Any business organization can use their website to expand their business at very low cost.

  •  Anyone can view the information published on the website at any time from anywhere.

  •  Instant information can be published on the website through certain processes.

  •  There is more work to be done, including adding text, audio, video, static images, animations, and more to the website.

  •  The required information (eg various pictures, audio, video, pdf files) can be downloaded from the website.

  •  Generally, attractive and user-friendly websites can be created at a much lower cost than print media.

  •  Big corporations and financial institutions use the website as an important medium for their business transactions and acquaintances internationally.

  •  With a website, quickly and easily any business is getting to know people and build confidence.

  •  Having different government websites allows us to easily collect and find the information we need. For example, the results of various public examinations, information on land or land-deposit, recruitment notice etc.

  •  Today, big e-commerce sites like Amazon, Aliexpress, and Ebay have been established because of the use of the website and people are making a lot of money today by building niches through affiliation.

Hope you enjoy the post "What is a Website? About the important benefits of having a website ".

If you want to get good performance from your website, you must host your site / webpage on a good quality server.

If you want to create a website, the first thing you will need is a domain then a good quality hosting server to host that domain. At present there are numerous hosting companies in world wide who provide good quality hosting services.

Previously, there were various difficulties in getting domain hosting services from these local companies. But over time those difficulties are being solved by the professionalism of those organizations. In the age of modern information technology, instant hosting service is demanding time. In that context, many foreign hosting companies as well as foreign hosting companies are now hosting SSDs with reputations; VPS Hosting; Dedicated Hosting; Cloud hosting; Domain Registration and SSL Certificate continue to provide the service.

In addition, in order to maintain their dominance in the competitive market, the hosting companies offer different types of offers on different occasions. Again, there are many hosting companies that claim their best before purchasing the hosting package, but later find out that their service is comparatively worse. Especially for issues such as bandwidth, uptime, loading speed, customer support, there are always problems. So in order to avail these benefits, there is no need to be confused by the quality of the hosting company's service without checking the quality of the service. So in today's discussion, we will discuss in detail the "Things to know about a good hosting package before accepting a hosting service". So let's find out -

Things you should know about before hosting a service
* First, does the company have a reputation for providing hosting services? Check their reviews if needed.

* Poor SSD hosting is 25 times faster than other normal hosting. Currently hosting without Poor SSD is not right. So know if the hosting company is offering super fast pure SSD space?

* After taking the hosting package, whether the hosting control is in your hands?

* 1.5% server uptime is very important in maintaining the loading speed of a website. So whether there is maximum uptime?

* Does the hosting server have a web based Easy File Management System?

* Does the hosting company have server upgrade options? And whether WordPress and e-Workstation stores will be optimized?

* Are there data backup and easy restoration options?

* Unlimited bandwidth, business email, subdomain access?

* Will you respond on time (24/7 friendly customer support) to any issues? In addition to the phone; Email; Or is there a dedicated server connected to the webchat system?

* 1 Click Auto Apps Installer?

* Is there a free web site transfer? Or pay the prescribed charge?

* cheapest price

*Fast and no down

* Are there any hidden charges and setup fees?

* Is the company's payment system based online? At the same time, if the first year hosting fee will be less than the second year renewal?

* How long before notice for renewal? How long will you be able to renew timely?

* Is there a money back guarantee and free trial period benefit?

In addition to the technical issues mentioned above, you can note down any additional features you may need depending on the type of business and the features of the site. So that you don't have to worry about it any more.

In addition, most hosting companies have their own call centers and support teams. If you want to know about the company web site visits as well as phone details.

Where should I host my website?

You already know what to look for when choosing a good web hosting service provider
So if you want to find a list of the top level web hosting service provider's that are currently available, you can find out the comparative advantages between them and get your site hosting on their server.

Of all the web hosting service providers I have yet to meet, I like the 10xHostings offers. I have also purchased my package and hosted my web site so I suggest you visit their offer, if you prefer you can buy your own package and host your website.

You can visit for more details -

How to Choose the Right Hosting Server

10xHosting Review 2020 | Unlimited Site Hosting for 10 Years | Exclusive Web Hosting Offers| 10xHosting Reviews

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Friday, 27 March 2020

কিভাবে বাংলাদেশ পেপাল ব্যবহার নিরাপদ?

How can safe use paypal in bangladesh

আজ আমি আলোচনা করব কিভাবে পেপাল একাউন্ট করা আপনার জন্য নিরাপদ সে বিষয়ে, তাহলে চলুন শুরু করা যাক;

আপনি যদি একটি পেপাল ব্যবহার মোটামুটি রিস্ক ফ্রী ভাবে তবে আপনাকে যা করতে হবে-

১। পেপাল টি নিজের নামে করা বেস্ট হবে বিকল্প হিসাবে পরিবারের বা নিকট আত্নীয়ের নামে
২। যার নাম এ করবেন তার পাসপোর্ট থাকতে হবে,
৩। যেহেতু বাংলাদেশ পেপাল সাপোর্টেড নয় তাই আপনি পেপাল কে বুঝাতে হবে যে আপনি বাংলাদেশী কিন্তু থাকেন বিদেশ এ, আর সেখানে ব্যবসা বা ফ্রীল্যান্সিং করেন

৪। যেই দেশ এর অফিসিয়াল পেপাল একাউন্ট করবেন সে দেশের রিয়েল এড্রেস ব্যবহার করতে হবে।
৫। পেপাল এ ডুকোমেন্টস হিসাবে নিজের বা যার নাম এ করবেন তার অরিজিনাল পাসপোর্ট সাবমিট করতে হবে এবং পাসপোর্ট এর তথ্য দিয়ে রেজি. ফর্ম পূরন করতে হবে যেমন - নাম, জন্ম তারিখ, এসব।
৬। পেপাল এ একটি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ভিসা কার্ড এড করে নিতে হবে যেই কার্ড এ পেপাল মানি/ডলার উইথড্র করা যায় সরাসরি
৭। ভিসা কার্ডটি যার নামে থাকবে এবং যেই এড্রেস থাকবে পেপাল এ একই এড্রেস ব্যবহার করতে হবে যেন কার্ড স্ট্যাট্মেন্ট তুলে পেপাল এর এড্রেস ভেরিফাই করা যায়।
৮। যেই দেশ এর এড্রেস ব্যবহার কবেন পেপাল এ সেই দেশ এর একটি মোবাইল সিম থাকতে হবে আপনার যা ইন্টারন্যাশনাল রুমিং চালু থাকবে আপনি মোবাইল এ ঢুকালে নেটঅওয়ার্ক পান এই ফোন নাম্বার আপনার পেপাল এ মোবাইল ভেরিফিকেশন এ ব্যহহার হবে।
৯। আপ্ইার একটি ভিপিএন ইউজ করতে হবে সে দেশের আইপি ইউজ করার জন্য।
বিষয় গুলো আপনি ম্যানেজ করতে পারলে আপনি নিজেই পেপাল একাউন্ট খুলতে পারবেন, লিমিট হলে যে কোন সময়
রি ভেরিফাই করতে পারবেন, বন্ধ হয়ে গেলে আপিল করতে পারবেন, ভেরিফাই জনিত কারন এ পেপাল কখনো ব্লক হবেনা।
ইলিগ্যাল বা পেপাল রুলস ব্রেক করে কোন লেন-দেন করলে পেপাল ব্লক করে দিতে পারে সে যদি ইউএসএ এর সিটিজেন হয়ে ১০০% রিয়েল ডুকুমেন্টস দিয়ে পেপাল ইউজ করে তবুও, সুতরাং এমন অনাকাংখিত কিছু ঘটলেও আপনার পেপাল ব্যালেন্স হারাবেন না, কারন ১৮০ দিন পর আপনার কার্ড এ ব্যালেন্স টা দিয়ে দিবে, কারন আপনার ভিসা কার্ড টি উইথড্রয়েবল বলে।
আশা করি এই শর্ত যে পূরণ করতে পারবে তার মাধ্যমে বা নিজে পারলে পেপাল একাউন্ট খুলে নিশ্চিন্তে ব্যবহার করতে পারেন, আর যিদি কেউ ফেইক ডাটা/ডুকুমেন্টস দিয়ে সাময়িক ভেরিফাই করে দেয় আপনি হয়তো সস্থায় কিনতে পারবেন কিছু দিন ইউজ করতে পারবেন কিন্তু লিমিট হলে রি ভেরিফাই করতে পারবেন না, ২/১ বার পারলেও কোন না কোন সময় আপনি ধরা খাবেন ১০০% শিউর থাকেন, আর সেদিন আপনার একাউন্ট এ যত ব্যালেন্স থাকবে সব হারাবেন।
আপনার জেনে রাখা ভাল, পাইওনিয়ার কার্ড/ব্যাংক একাউন্ট বা ভার্চুয়াল কার্ড ইউজ করেছেন তো নিজের বিপদ নিজেই ডেকে এনেছেন, আর সেটা বুঝবেন যখন লিমিট হবে বা সাস্পেক্ট হবে।

আশা করি আপনার পেপাল এর সুরক্ষা আপনি নিজেই দিতে পারবেন এখন থেকে। শুতরাং প্রতারনার হাত থেকে বাচুন...। #Online_Payment_Solution #eMARKETRELATIONS

আপনি যদি একটি নির্ভরযোগ্য পেপাল একাউন্ট ওপেন করতে চান তবে সাজেস্ট করব মালয়েশিনান বিজনেস পেপাল ওপেন করুন কারন এই পেপাল এর শর্ত ইউএসএ এর চাইতে সহজ ও বাংলাদেশ এ স্বাচ্ছন্দে ব্যবহার উপযোগী।
কিভাবে একটি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল প্লাস্টিক ভিসা ডেবিট কার্ড ও ইন্টারন্যাশনাল রুমিং সিম কার্ড পেতে পারেন পেপাল ভেরিফাই এর জন্য? বিস্তারিত জানুন
মালয়েশিয়ান বিজনেস পেপাল সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত জানতে ভিজিট করুন এই পোস্ট টি

এখন থেকে -
 আপনাদের প্যাকেজ এ কি কি পাচ্ছেন

✔️একটি মালয়েশিয়ান রেমিটেন্স প্রিপেইড ভিসা কার্ড
✔️একটি টেম্পরারী সিম কার্ড (পার্সেল হাতে না পাওয়া পর্যন্ত মালয়েশিয়া থেকে সাময়ীক OTP ম্যানেজ এর জন্য)
✔️একটি পার্মানেন্ট রেজিস্টারড রোমিং সিম কার্ড
✔️একটি ফুল ভেরিফাইড বিজনেস পেপাল একাউন্ট

সাথে লোড হিসেবে পাচ্ছেন ৩০ রিঙ্গিত কার্ড, সিম এবং পেপাল সহ টোটাল রেজিস্ট্রেশন এর জন্য

মুল্য : ৭৭০০ টাকা
রেগুলার ইন্টারন্যাশনাল প্রাইস ৯৫ ইউ এস ডি

পেমেন্ট মেথডঃ
কয়েনবেস (BTC, ETH)

*অবশ্যই পাসপোর্ট থাকতে হবে*

আপনার কোন হ্যাসেল নেই 😊

অর্ডার কনফার্ম করতে কি কি করা লাগবে 

অর্ডার কনফার্ম করার জন্য আপনার নাম,
এড্ড্রেস, ও ফোন নাম্বার ইনবক্স এ দেবেন !


👍কভিড ১৯ এর জন্য

(লকডাউন পরিস্থিতিতে কুরিয়ার এক্টিভেট না থাকার কারনে আমাদের '' পার্সাসেল '' ডেলিভারি কিছুটা বিলম্বিত হবে। অর্ডার করার পর ২৪ - ৭২ কর্ম ঘন্টার ভিতর অনলাইন একসেস পাবেন তাই পার্সেল পাওয়ার আগেই ব্যবহার করা শুরু করতে পারবেন)

Online Payment Solution

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Saturday, 21 March 2020

Paypal In Pakistan: Get paypal account in pakistan With VISA Plastic Debit Card

Its a great news for Pakistani freelancers!!! Now you can use paypal in pakistan. We are providing paypal service for you more easily so no need open paypal account and verify with fake documents. From now use paypal by create and verify with your own passport,its should be best and make deffrent from others fake Paypal...

➤ why your PayPal Best ❓

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➤ Malaysian PayPal account of the advantages of what ❓

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What are your According to .

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➤ PayPal limit of what's what solutions are ❓

PayPal account limit is given , it is a very common thing. Malaysian PayPal account 3,000 ringgit transactions of the course, limit the pay , and in the Identity documents and Proof of address documents need.

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➤ Which is why my account banned or sasaspenda was when I did my money will ❓

100 % will !

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➤ SSN or bank verification , why I'm not ❓

Malaysian PayPal 's case these two hours is not ! So there is nothing to worry about ! Passports , photos , and the card 's statement if OK !

➤ apanaradera remittance , Visa card about the detailed information like ❓

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And it's a virtual payment solutions do not , you need through your Paypal 's dollar to withdraw will be able to bank or ATM to.

➤ PayPal from the remittance Visa card , and ATM oyithadra of the charges , how ❓

PayPal from the remittance Visa card in the 400 ringgit to withdraw charges Free.

Card to Bank Withdrawal fee 7.5 RM  and ATM withdral fee 10RM  globally

➤ remittance Visa card How 's that ? The card 's expiration how ❓ renewal is the key ❓ lost when what is ❓     

Remittance Visa card and all activities of the mobile apps of the run will be !

The registration of the card under your passport will be completed ! The card 's expiration 2024 onwards till !

Later, in our with or card provider companies to communicate with the card renewal can not ! Renewal charge is 50 USD

Lost the card, but the same process !

➤ their remittances Visa card 's limit how much , and charge what ❓

Our remittance Visa card 's holding limit for every 2500 USD, and withdraw to can 750 USD per day ! And monthly charge 2.5 MYRM

➤ their remittances Visa card 's currency is changed to be ? Dollar exchange rate , how will ❓

Yes, of course you can .

Since it is a Malaysian card , its default currency is ringing . You two more and more multiple currency change to be able ! And the exchange rate will be in accordance with the visa exchange rate .

➤ SIM card to do , how to use can , and charge much ❓

This is the International Roaming SIM Card .

Just our Visa card 's verification code , tranjekasana of the message , the card 's offer of the message you receive to be able , or the company calls received to be able !

The SIM card is always activate the order for the two months in a row Sime 5 ringgit is loaded with a can be , Visa card 's apps with you load a can can !

➤ how the card and the SIM card activated or registered to ❓

You will complete the payment when you receive the visa card and the SIM card from the courier service or delivery man . He then Inbox in the required information will Visa card , SIM card and PayPal account registered to the category.

The entire process is completed in 3 - 4 days time it will take you to the card to reach the.

➤ SIM or a card that is my name engraved to be ❓

No ! There will be card and SIM intake . Your hands reach of your passport and under we have registration of the will !

➤ how a SIM card in the Balance load will ❓

Visa card 's mobile apps from the SIM card to reload to do it.

➤ Malaysia PayPal the transaction is no limit to ❓ receive , payment or oyithadra the case of a verification caused the problem , if it comes , the solution is ❓   

PayPal business account in the normal way a limit is not , but PayPal, your transactions on the basis that that any time that any kind of verification than that.

You payments received , payments made , PayPal from a Visa card to withdraw regularly to it.

PayPal 's no policy if your transaction and the break is then PayPal your account suspended the offer to convert your account 's remaining balance on your Visa card at the left will appear.

Since PayPal account, your passport 's information in accordance with the registration will be so that a verification, you can easily accomplish to be able.

Address Verification of the order we are to the card 's PDF Statement will.

➤ Tax id of what will ❓

In the PayPal business account Just small - low or medium quality freelancer , digital marketer or a small bed E - low- entrepreneurs for the Best !

And it's for your tax or other prubha 's needed is not !

Are you in your online income of skinasata or other income source of the documents to pay if the byapyarata PayPal, see !

And if you think he is not , I have a million dollar business will want the Best Solution of the Malaysia 's co-operation with the business account registered had taken.

Large -scale payments to the bank used to be !

Small or medium quality freelancers are quite free in this case ! The rest of you know your transaction type !

➤ You do VPN , including the ❓ my own VPN that it used to be ❓

We will give you free VPN service .

If your a favorite VPN service is , if you used to be able.

The first 3 - 4 months VPN access to the Pakistani 's IP to use to be able , since your account Pakistani passport and open to you.

➤ I do PayPal Mobile epasati Pakistan to use to be able to balance a check , send and withdraw its order ❓

You can use PayPal mobile apps . However, apes and in your IP leak that whether he 's aware there will be. We are so PC byabaharakei recommend that !

➤ PayPal account, the payment received from the long time it takes , and the Visa card at PayPal 's dollar to go long time it takes ❓

Maximum time instant receive and withdraw in case you or sendara 's account on any issue not there.

➤ PayPal and card 's verification I myself do mean , it's possible ❓

Yes, of course, possible !

PayPal on the card added to and verification carried out in order for our tutorial and through you the cooperation is to be that you own it done to you.

The registration of all the processes that you own yourself perform to be able to this for the full guideline and our support will be with you to the

➤ In case you my passport by the illegal work to do that , and my Visa card with you shopping or other things he 's Safety How will ❓

It takes a one time password to make an online payment (OTP) from a visa card . This password at your to the SIM card to come. So the full control of your near. In addition to any

Unauthorized Transaction block the order of the International Call Center has the support of the order.

➤ my many familiar freelancer is , and I in them, the service referred believe me, what's Benefit ❓

The phrilasara ' s own use not , and others referred to them, the ' referred to '' the 500 rupees the Commission shall we , to say the least an affiliate program of your order we placed .

Here you anything you have not , you are just ' referred ' ' that is , delivery , order processing , and the registration process, all we will your behalf .

Your job is ' referred ' and with our inbox on a knock- out to give it to refer to the diameter . ✔ ️ the rest of the work our ............ .

In the Commission 's for a separate sheet managing the will , we , at any time, your earned commissions to develop or card at up to you !!!

➤ price at reducing any chance there is ❓

See , you see , is an international plastic VISA card , which through you , Facebook bustim from the beginning that , domain hosting purchase , Neteller and Skrill 's deposits , the International any shopping or other payments in connection with the facility . Which virtual or a fake aidinditi there .
Or the other way Paypal verified got to like the fake info generated to and what kind of opportunities ' is not , or will not .

'' The card is Malaysia's CIMB Bank and via authorized to be '' .

And of the international support it and the worldwide million million subscribers of which a large part of the Bangladeshi Malaysian expats , who are in Malaysia from their suffering remittance quick in sending .

The '' big '' The advantage of having ,

' Instant PayPal withdraw support ' ' that the Visa card ,

That's with PayPal to '' a few minutes ' Quick Bangladesh in the development of this or visa support ATM in the money with the said .

Recent an update of the ' PayPal now Pioneer Accept is not ,' ' he paoniyara the PayPal from before those dollars to come here , they do say that you can in 3 - 7 days, but it's pasibala have '? " And we 're giving you one of PayPal 's " instant " dollars in the country

Bring to a gas pedal Solution '!!!

Second , the Malaysian International rumim SIM card in your mobile so drawn to OTP control can not , it means the card 's how transaction is , code number , etc. !

In addition , PayPal 's mobile verification will be able , PayPal 's Mobile Code receive to be able . That means you can control all kinds of OTP and receive international text . *** and finally , a business PayPal account, find your own name , your passport with the registration . Be done

Where ,✔ ️ identity verified if his passport and submit if there is , ✔ ️ own cell in the verification code will , ✔ ️ own card statement with the address verify to you , ✔ ️ own card with a deposit and withdraw not.

'' And all types Lifetime Support or guidelines in that we are here - E '

Now abharala thought was , that the high tariffs, with a fake US , or other countries Paypal account to be good , '' not what the standard prize of an official Paypal Solution is a package to you all the benefits of the offer ,

The decision is yours .

In addition to the 30 ringgit Free load given to the SIM recharge , card activation , and PayPal, the card edim fees paid to the order. What we have to give you . And no hyasela is your . The disturbance of our you just access to .

➤ remittance Visa and SIM card to get the card and PayPal verification of the process is what's ❓

Remittance Visa and the SIM card of the power in your inbox at us this information are not

✔ ️ Card Number & Expiry date✔ ️ URN number✔ ️ Sim Number✔ ️ Sim Picture Barcode✔ ️ Your Passport picture✔ ️ Your Picture & 1 in New email id is with Password) for registration.

These data are received after that we in the registration process started will

👍 Start Card Registration👍 Start Sim activation👍 Card reload & Sim Reload (30 RM)👍 Card online purchase activation call center👍 Creating PayPal account👍 Card add with PayPal account👍 Card Verified with PayPal transaction code👍 Visa card KYC Update for Bkash Bank to transfer &👍 4 hours inside the 90 % in the will .

And PayPal 's with the card verified and for a transajesana PayPal Make it 48 - 7 hours to take that .

And so your card , the SIM card and , PayPal 's full verification complete will .

➤ the office address where ❓

Our office is in Malaysia ! In all the activities conducted by the Malaysia since ! Bangladesh in our no office there , we affiliate as a job are .

Dhaka Just our stock in there !

➤ What is the '' Trust '' be available to you on the ❓

In this country, the PayPal does not , the risk of false dukumentasa with PayPal to open the catch are some people so their side of the stand , who can not afford to take advantage because I think we are .

We have advanced a payment 'm not , card and SIM to get you the price paid to do . That is your money loss as to any risk is there .

The most interesting byapyara is , your Visa card and SIM card and PayPal 's '' full control '' You , PayPal verification or card of any problem in the handle to it.

His passport, because you have your aidinditi ' needs, ' ' he himself submitted to you .

Card of the Apes is it with you your card 's transaction checking to be able

Hold the Future PayPal, your account limit is set , or suspend the heart , then you have the card 's statement in PDF form online on up , passport with the PayPal to submit it to your real aidinditira proof itself also can

We Just to the right follow-up will , so indipendentali you all handle the can can .

So here our on your dependency at all supplementary make the pass .

The challenge with , we say we can , '' this until all the cards we sell have , they are one and say that is not the card to get the rest of the steps of the for them , we support karini ,,

➤ the service taken and the use of a few of the '' reference '' to be able ❓

Our pages in the user reviews the information. Them with the communication and the authenticity of the check to you. In addition to our pages of post- fire follow you can.

I remember , Bangladesh at PayPal with a number of groups or pages that the inside of the biggest engagement in our pages to see the will .

This is our official page . Customer satisfaction we have all the time in our service and 100 % to try and do .

➤ Your Cash on delivery of the process, at what is , what can be ❓

You Card receive the time to pay not ! We are your from any advanced am not !

We have to address an in - Tack the new Visa card and the SIM will send , in this case the card are active there. Cards and SIM Active and registration order for your passport to scan , copy , and other info inbox so than the will ! And for 7 hours the time it will take you all

After submitting the documents . The whole process in Malaysia to complete , and the will !

Cards and SIM active the following PayPal at the ad to appear , in this case PayPal transaction code to the days when it is all over in 4 days time it takes to highest .

1 PayPal Package & Price 1

Our Malaysian PayPal package ' cases in which the receiving

✔ ️ 1 at the Malaysian Business PayPal account ✔ ️ 1 at the International Remittance prepeida Visa card ✔ ️ 1 at the Malaysian International Roaming SIM card ✔ ️ 1 at the Malaysian or Singapore VPN ✔ ️ 15, ringita Visa card loaded ✔ ️ 10  ringgit PayPal load ✔ ️ get 5 ringit Sim Load , and 1 Temporary SIM Card 

 Full Package Price : 95 USD

( A passport have to be )

➤ order to confirm to do what's required ❓

Order confirm your order for your name , eddresa , and phone numbers inbox at will !

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Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Web Hostings: Features and importance of good web hosting

Looking for a web hosting solution at a cheap price? 
This is an essential decision for a businessman. Trying to find a trusted web host can now be a daunting task, especially among many service companies. The workload of feature sheets and promises has become even more terrifying. But it is possible to choose a good hosting only if you are careful about a few things. Note the features of a good hosting:

Disk Space and Bandwidth

Disk Space refers to the amount of storage space assigned to you by the web hosting provider. This space will be used to store your web site files, including text, images, audio, etc. files used for your website.
Bandwidth refers to the amount of traffic that refers to the number of people accessing your website and leaving. Access is the number of times each visitor types your website's name in the browser. Every time a visitor gets something from your website to say leaving, listening to photos, audio clips or downloading a file.
For example, if your website has a lot of graphics (such as photographs) then you will need higher disk space and greater bandwidth.

Website creation and FTP

If this is your first website and you have limited or scripting experience, look for a good quality web hosting provider that creates a good low cost website where you can create a website.
FTP means file transfer protocol. This is a protocol for transferring your website files from your computer to the web hosting server, or vice versa. This allows you to upload your website files (including images and other multimedia files) from your computer to your service provider's server. This allows you to download your files from your web hosting server to your computer. A good web hosting provider will give you FTP access for 24/7 hours.
10xHostings is a sophisticated IT company that is one of the World wide leading web hosting providers.
The cost is shown for Some sophisticated web hosting provider.

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