Hello Everyone,
Some people little bit confused about EMPOWR. I this month many people not get AMCO. Also we don't know why we get AMCO, why we not get AMCO.
Today i discuss with you Actually What is doing EMPOWR.
EMPOWR want to develop a "Democratic Social Economy" . So what is the definition of economy??
(Definition of economy: Production, distribution and consumption of products and services.)
If we hit goal daily its not enough to develop a Economy. We need to focus also sell product and delivered to buyer successfully. When Buyer marked (Item Receive) then complete the transaction successfully.
Removing bidding from Daily Goals
Many of you have reported that it’s hard to hit your Daily Goals, because of the amount of bids required.
As part of this push, we are suggesting the removal of bidding from the Daily Goals requirements.
Of course if you do bid or buy – and now, “Use” – something, that will continue to count towards closing the loop with people in your circle of trust.
But by not being forced to bid and buy, we’ll have a lot less Unpaid Items…
… which means less cost for buyers…
... and we’ll have less frustration for sellers, who are (rightfully) complaining about having so many unpaid items.
And not requiring all that bidding should also mean that, when you actually want to buy something, it’s more likely to be available in the marketplace…
… because other buyers (people that may not have even wanted the item in the first place, but were only bidding / buying to hit their Daily Goal) won’t have inadvertently blocked you from buying it.
What kinds of activities trigger maturity acceleration, and which are prioritized higher?
So, which activity does the AMCO algorithms consider higher priority:
· -- Item Received and delivered sales, or
· -- Daily Goals hit
In other words, which (sales or goals) should get an AMCO first?
The answer is simple:
Whichever activity most shows positive proof of helping the empowr economy grow.
Let’s think about it:
If I hit my Daily Goal today, that’s helpful to the empowr economy.
It’s helpful because I have further built out my network (circle of trust) which will ensure that tomorrow more people will be more motivated to help me succeed (which is how the empowr economy succeeds).
Therefore, hitting my Daily Goals creates the potential for economy benefit, because it makes it easier for a sale to be made.
If, however, my activities result in a successful sale and delivery to a customer…
… well, then, that’s no longer just potential for the economy to benefit … it’s actually fully-realized benefit for the economy.
Remember, the definition of economy is the Production, distribution and consumption of products and services.
Item Received products were clearly “produced, distributed and consumed” – whereas Daily Goals create the potential for that.
It’s easy to see how the algorithms view an Item Received sale as higher priority…
… for an AMCO cash out reward…
… than a Daily Goal hit.
So, as “Item Received” sales double yet again…
… the amount of cash the algorithms pay out (as AMCOs) for those sales also double.
This time, by the time the algorithms paid out the AMCOs for your Item Received sales…
… there was no extra cash remaining to provide to people that had hit Daily Goals but did not have any successful Item Received sales.
Does this make sense to you? And does that order of priority make the most sense to you?
Or do you think it makes more sense to take cash away from the people that hit their Daily Goals -- where those activities resulted in sales…
… and instead give the cash to the people that hit goals that DID NOT result in sales?
Hopefully you’ll agree that the answer to my question is obvious.
The empowr economy is growing rapidly – and the number of products available to you to purchase with your empowr earnings is growing rapidly.
And guess what?
The key to unlocking the marketplace…
… so you can use much of your profits to shop…
… is actually (and very specifically) by hitting your Daily Goals.
The more of your Daily Goals you hit, the higher the % of your profits you can use to shop
So, while (at first glance) it seems sad that AMCOs weren’t available last week to people that simply hit their Daily Goals (but didn’t succeed at selling anything)…
… because the cash needed to be allocated to product sellers…
… if you take a closer look, it’s actually very good news for both YOU, personally, as well as the empowr economy, community and mission:
It’s good news for the empowr economy because it means we are succeeding.
All that work you have done was not for nothing.
And it’s good news for you on a personal level, because it means that the amount of good products -- that people are actually willing to spend their earnings on -- is growing rapidly.
That means that your empowr earnings are becoming more and more valuable (useful) for you.
All that work that you are doing is not for nothing.
What AMCOs can empowr guarantee me in the coming months?
If your plan is to hit Daily Goals but not actually have your listings result in sales (that are Item Received by customers)…
… then there can be no assurances that you’ll receive any AMCOs next month.
As I’ve said many times before, there can actually be no guarantees that AMCOs will be distributed to anyone…
… because empowr cannot predict how many people will do each of the activities that result in AMCOs ahead of time.
It is simply impossible for empowr to guarantee AMCO cash outs.
And even though we’ve always had the pleasure of distributing AMCOs every month since the month it started, if I were a betting man, I would predict that there will most likely be month(s) where little or no AMCOs can be distributed.
Hopefully everything will continue to get better and better, but there will be serious issues (and opportunities) coming our way that we simply cannot predict.
As an example of opportunities headed our way, just consider the AMCOs that will be needed to pay Sharers, Service providers and Transporters.
This cash will not just materialize out of thin air.
I hope you are hearing me.
Please, everyone, remember that empowr is still an alpha phase start-up…
… one that uniquely is trying to do it ALL…
… with NO investor capital.
We can and will do this.
We can and will succeed.
But the road will surely not be as smooth as many are growing to expect given recent successes and growth – even though we will try as hard as we can to make it so.
And even though AMCOs are based on available funds and empowr doesn’t utilize any outside investor funding…
… there are plenty of reasons to believe that the upcoming features we’ve discussed are going to be yet another multiplier for the empowr economy.
So, let’s prepare for the worst… but then hope for the best…
… as there is A LOT to be optimistic about.
empowr is on your side
I know it can be frustrating to expect and hope for lots of cash, and then not receive it.
My advice:
1. Focus on the future, lower your short-term expectations and you won’t be disappointed
We have many issues, bugs, body blows and difficulties ahead of us – as a community and as individual citizens going through our own challenges.
If the pain of being in an alpha-phase experiment like empowr is too much to bear, I can completely understand that.
Over the years we have lost many really amazing and talented employees who reached the end of their ropes.
We get it… this is hard.
If you keep focused on the long term, if that’s possible for you to do, you’re much more likely to not be disappointed.
Changing the world is always difficult – just read the stories of any group of people in history that ever did.
But it is the difficulties that, in the end, define your accomplishments and make your life one that was worth living.
You’ll look back at these times with the most pride and with the fondest memories, specifically because it was hard.
Hard as it is, let’s try and enjoy this process, as someday…
… when, together, we’ve built empowr to be a very successful entity that is fulfilling its mission…
… we just might look back at this stage, and wonder why (as hard as what we’re facing currently is today) we weren’t taking a moment to enjoy the journey more.
2. Try and remember that empowr is on your side
We’re right here with you.
Like many of you that have worked so very hard, for months or for years…
… all of us employees have also given up the good life, in exchange for months or years of working for no or low pay…
… all for the privilege of working with you on this mission to make the world a better place.
We feel your pain.
And that is why we’re very focused on bringing all this change:
It’s all meant to address, and turn around, your and everyone’s top pain points.
We won’t stop until that pain is turned into joy, opportunity and power.
Best Regards
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